SL Help

Topic: Buying things in SL

  • Buying things in SL

First you will need Linden dollars. You can buy them from your account on the main Second life website, find the 'Linden Exchange' page ( to buy some, or click the display of your current L$ balanced while in Second life,

 or earn them in Second Life from camping (sitting at a location and getting given dollars to be there) , prizes and more.

Now the fun part, you've have found something you want to buy! hears how to do it.

There are two main ways to buy a product. One is by clicking on a product with the left mouse button (not all products have this option), and the other way is by using the right mouse button and selecting 'buy'. We will deal with the first one, first .

Some products let you just click them (left mouse button) and then a dialog will pop up telling you how much it costs.

if you click pay, it will take that amount of dollars and give you the items (more on receiving item later), job done!

But there is another way, and the way most of my products are set up. The right click and buy option. It may seem more complex but a lot of people use it.

If you right click a product, it will bring up a pie menu.

click the buy option. and if you don't have enough dollars to buy it, Second Life will give you the option to purchase more Linden dollars. But if you have enough, then this will bring up a dialog box with a list of content and the price. A lot more info than the left click option. Click 'buy' to get your product.

Now you have done all that, where is your product? well that can be confusing, but there is a trick to finding it if you are new to Second Life

you are gonna find out about inventory and recent items, fun :P

first find your inventory button, bottom left of your SL viewer. Click it to bring up your inventory window.

Then click the "recent items" tab 

this is show all the recent items you have acquired, you will find your purchase in that list.

Well I hope this helped, peace out, Sooden :P








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