1st to 30 th June

Featured Sponsors


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Visit the sponsors of our event to see great merchandise and find the 'Squirrel'd Away Hunt' for your free gifts. Look for the Peanuts

**All content creators please
contact Shadwell Lykin in world for an application

Also see Huntaholics at flicker

About Huntaholics

Hint list

Comming Soon

00= at the hunt poster

01= Think like a squirrel! Where would you squirrel away a nice salty nut if you were a squirrel? Prolly somewhere out of sight and close to water?

02= One Side Pink ,i think she like this Mr. Squirrel

03= easy to spot

04= not placed yet go to number 5

05= Oh yes Mr. Squirrel has a thing about setting his penuts against the back wall on top floors. Oh well at least he didnt bury it.

06= The Nuts .... "Comming Soon" ... :) - get it before the horsey does

07= did the Squirrel like the penuts ore the Lolliepop ?

08= Sit down and have a manicure

09= The squirrel ran and ran to the very top floor and yes, he was so tired he left his peanut in plain view.

10= Find the dark room and you will find the nut

11= Sit awhile and relax. Let your thoughts spiral up, up, up.... you will find the hidden prize

12= Between the towers,fairy woods and sound, there is were your gift is found

13= not far from the hunt poster :D

14= Nut made ist way inside little Red Japanese Cabinet!

15= very close to the poster :-)

16= The squirrel ran all the way to the Greek God Gift Store and found flowers and vases so nice he placed his peanut on the shelf with them!

17= not placed yet go to number 18

18= not places yet go to number 19

19= Mr.Squirrel trims the hair, and then he goes out

20= not in hunt has closed store go to number 21

21= not placed go to 22

22= easy to spot

23= no hint yet

24= Squirrel and Roxie have a shared secret

25= What the Punk Neko thinks about the nut?

26= not placed yet go to number 27

27= it looks like those squirrels are trying to trade there nuts for the midnight prize.

28= Touch for Hint

29= the Squirrel payed with the Nuts at the Group !!

30= no hint yet

31= not placed yet go to 32

32=masquerading as an Easter Island Head :D

33= Click the red "i" (hint giver) for a squirrely hint! ;)

34= Do you feel lucky!

35= rubber

36= BAM! You're Nuts!

37= bears like peanuts too?

38= Take my hand and let's take a walk

39= Poor peanut is having an operation

40= Come to a most beautiful island inside Pairs Metro: Santorini you will find the squirrel has chosen well, to sit by the last pool with his peanut.

41=Where should I hide this peanut? Please help me out because I Dunno.

42= easy to see

43= is OUT

44= not placed yet go to 45

45= Mr Squirrel can not decide for one of Alina's twin sister

46= I only have eyes for you :P

Also, Sooden Ren's site is up, visit it here, Pictures, help and free stuff!

Good Luck!



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